The challenge – a very special and exciting project to encourage you to dream and look ahead, to use creativity to focus on the positives of emerging from our collective restrictions.
The challenge – use subject-related material tocreate a collage of the item. Thanks to - participant Carl, who lovesfilms, comics and all things superheroic!
The challenge – Using just a few simple art materials and some cupboard
inspiration we are going to create our own bold collage masterpiece! Thanks to - Lauren Jones for this activity.
The challenge – using the templates provided, have a go at creating your own
paper puppets. Thanks to - Jessica Wheeler and Anna Pearson (Instagram -
Jessica: @dambalacraft & Anna: @anna.pearson.animation) for this activity.
The challenge – create a set of mark-making patterns that can be used in a variety of ways. Think dots, dashes, lines, squiggles and repeat these patterns. Thanks to - Alison Greyer for this activity.